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Strategy / SMM / Creative / SMM Content
Gorgany is a Ukrainian outdoor equipment retailer who promotes via adventure events. COVID outburst locked the world at home. But online it became open as never before — with global celebrities making intimate shows just from their bedrooms.
Why compete on local terrain, if any destination becomes accessible as the house of Robbie Williams or Lady Gaga during online concerts? If they make a global stage at home, we will bring Everest home.
Gorgany launched #EverestAtHome! To join, the audience completed registration and started their way to 8842 meters using suitable objects as heights. Every try should have been documented and published. It immediately became viral, causing the media to report crazy competition. 60 Ukrainians reached Everest in 2020, which is 2.5 times more than ever before. And Gorgany reached top of mind as an outdoor retailer overperforming nationally global giants like Decathlon and Intersport.
Social Media Manager
Creative Producer
Sound Designer
Art Director
Graphic Designers
Other cases.
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